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Closing Conference

On Monday 17/1/2022, at 6-8pm The PROMEHS Greek closing conference took place via zoom.

The flyer of the conference has been distributed to a large number of Greek  schools (preschool to secondary education).
More than 230 in-service teachers joined the conference from all over Greece.

The conference started with greetings from the Head of the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education, at the University of Patras, prof. Amalia Yfanti and the PROMEHS European coordinator prof. Ilaria Grazzani (recorded).
Dr Asteri, from the Ministry of Education was a keynote speaker. In her presentation, she emphasized the need for well-evidenced programs for the promotion of mental health at schools.
Then, the Greek coordinator, prof. Maria Poulou gave a short presentation of PROMEHS implementation results in Achaia schools. A discussion followed with 2 primary education teachers, 2 higher education teachers, 2 parents and 2 students reflecting on their experiences on PROMEHS implementation during pandemia. The conference ended successfully!  
Through chat messaging, we received positive comments for the conference, for the handbooks, and for the initiative to implement PROMEHS. We all agreed that PROMEHS must be implemented in real and not virtual classrooms.  

Download here the program of the conference


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Greek Opening Conference.jpg

4. septembrī Grieķijas nacionālā komanda rīkoja PROMEHS projekta tiešsaistes atklāšanas konferenci. Konferencē galvenā uzmanība tika pievērsta tēmām garīgā veselība, noturība, sociālās un emocionālās prasmes un to saistība ar skolas un ģimenes kontekstiem, kā arī PROMEHS projekta prezentācija.

Konferences runātāji bija:
Sveicieni no:

Bouras Christos , Patras Universitātes rektors, Grieķija

Kondili Marianna , Izglītības zinātnes un pirmsskolas izglītības nodaļas vadītāja,

Džannopuls Konstantinoss , Rietumgrieķijas izglītības direktors

Papadakis Spyros , pamatizglītības koordinators, Rietumgrieķija

Papakonstantinopoulou Artemis , garīgās veselības veicināšanas koordinators, Ahajas prefektūras pamatskolas

Ilaria Grazzani , PROMEHS koordinatore, Bicocca Universitāte, Milāna



Mavrogianni Teoni ,  Psihologs.

Poulou Maria – Izglītības zinātnes un agrīnās izglītības katedras asociētais profesors un PROMEHS Grieķijas komandas koordinators.

Divu stundu laikā 158 dalībnieki apmeklēja pasākumu, izmantojot Webex Meetings, un viņiem bija iespēja uzdot jautājumus un izteikt komentārus panelim.

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